Friday, 8 April 2011

Git is good!

5.30pm. So I started off a new top secret project at work that I can only only describe as 'project black bear', a great name I am sure you'll aggree, which actually serves two purposes; firstly giving the project a name, until we come up with a better one, and secondly keeping the whole project hush hush within the college.

So my team all cracked open their editor of choice and started some fun PHP/MySQL hacking. We all then hit a point when we needed to merge our code, thankfully I had already had a play with git a couple of months ago and setup a new project. A couple of pulls, commits, and pushes later we were all running the same code and pushing code to the central project whenever we made a major change.

We were then able to monitor the progress via the commit messages and a great cgi script; gitweb. Sure we did receive the odd commit error however this was easily fixed with a quick diff merge.

After a pretty constructive day I'm pretty sure its time to crack open a cold beer and enjoy the rarety of British sun (not the paper).